
Age difference, who thinks what?

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As a continuation to my essay "Old or Young" here the same topic from a different perspective. What does a young masseuse think when an older man enters the massage room? What goes around in the head of a mature masseuse when a young guy stands at the door? I have listened around a bit and collected opinions which I would like to share now.

There is no question that a clear difference in age can give a certain kick. In pornography, this topic has been omnipresent for a long time and is even being enhanced accordingly, for example: Mamma seduces son-in-law. After all, the fantasy should be stimulated in all aspects.

Does generation X and Y want more action?

But back to the massages. The statement of Marianne, a masseuse between 40 and 50, was that she does not remember a visitor under 30. She concluded that sensual massages were too "boring" for generation X and Y. They want more action, so they tend to go to a brothel. Carmen, a Tantra masseuse also of a mature age, said that she had been visited several times by young boys, some of whom had already some knowledge about Tantra. They had deliberately contacted her because of her age and the hope for more experience. With a wink Carmen remarked that of course it is also fun when a young crisp body is lying on the fouton.

Older men are more considerate

Soni, a young Thai masseuse told me that she likes to serve older men. They are usually more considerate and in Sonis culture it is normal that elderly people are especially respected. Similar words come from Katja, who enjoys giving an erotic massage to a mature man, especially if he is still a little shy. This often happens and gives her a little feeling of superiority. She said that especially the generation 35+ is usually very pleasant and there are also many guests who would never go to a brothel in their lives. But they could easily reconcile receiving an erotic massage with their conscience.

In this sense, not only the freshness can offer excitement but also the experience - as long as there is mutual respect.


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