
Massage 123: No boring directory

Here you will find information on sensual massages and an overview of various providers in this field. We distinguish between Ads and Directory entries. Ads can be placed by any provider as long as the focus is on massages, tantra or sexual counselling/bodywork. In order to receive a (free) entry in the directory, certain criteria must be fulfilled. The main criteria are that a provider has an own homepage, working from a fixed location and is regularly operating the service. All directory entries are managed by editorial staff and checked regularly so that it is not simply a dry list.

There are no direct regional restrictions, but the focus is on certain countries where massage and tantra offers are particularly widespread (and legal). The aim is to find a suitable massage on a business trip abroad. Of course, we do not claim to be complete. However, we would be pleased if you would tell us about a massage provider that you know or have come to know somewhere in the world. Please also write to us if you have had bad experiences with a provider. If we receive several negative messages, the provider might get deleted.

Why erotic massages are good...

There are countless types of massage, but they all have one thing in common: they should relax. Anyone who has gone to a massage for fun, for example on holiday, knows the situation: a mostly quite attractive woman kneads, touches and massages the body. One enjoys and secretly hopes that she will briefly touch the genital area or even massage it. Most of the time it should stay with hope and you leave the restaurant relaxed, but somehow unsatisfied.

Fortunately, there are also massage providers who just provide that little extra. It doesn't always have to be an obvious sexual service. The range of offers is varied and starts with the masseuse, who performs a classic massage in normal clothing, but also takes the intimate area into account in the end. At the other end is the clearly sexually oriented massage, where the ladies usually work in sexy lingerie and also offer services such as BDSM, rather rarely even sexual intercourse as part of a tantric ritual (association). In the midfield are, for example, specialized providers of Tantra massages, where sexuality is central, but the stimuli are more spiritual than visual in nature.

Only those who really need a professional massage for health reasons will not care whether the massage is performed by a woman or a man - just as little as he or she looks. With Massage 123, however, this is definitely a criterion. After all, it is about sensual, erotic massages. It is about fun.

Enjoy your next massage!

Don (Don123)
Pure relaxation

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