
Searching for massage in the USA

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Some time ago I had written about what I experienced in Hong Kong in search of massages. Since I was recently in the USA - Los Angeles to be precise - I would like to repeat the same thing.

Well guys, LA is a hard place, this right in front. Not only the fact that prostitution is forbidden in California, but the Americans in general have a waffle about their morals. It leads to some pretty strange situations and behavior. I could let off steam for a long time with all the beautiful and strange experiences of the last years, but I try to focus on current events.

Where do you get the massage addresses?

First of all the question arises where to find addresses. And here I really only mean massages with that certain something, no classic sex offers. Sure, with Massage123 there are a few in there. But especially in the USA you can find countless other massage guides on the net with a much larger selection. However, here begins the crux: There are massage guides where you do not know whether a spark of eroticism is still there, then there are those that promise a huge spark of eroticism, but then do not offer. And there are guides who clearly focus on sex - but whose offers are also very expensive, risky and difficult to book. Because they are afraid of the police and so on. I will not go into this. Last but not least there are guides with a strong focus on Tantra, where you either meet ladies who live Tantra in extreme form or those who use Tantra more as a pretext for normal sex.

My first experience was on Venice Beach, near the hotel. I came across the shop while driving by. It offered "Chinese massage". What I read in various reports in advance is that with Asian massages it is normal to undress completely. Amazing for the prudish America. But that was also the case here. You are then covered lying on your stomach. The massage was very professional and good, the Asian masseuse approached the dangerous zones very closely, but nothing happened.

Many massages in Korea Town

The next day we went to Korea-Town, there are dozens of massage parlors. And as I read, a happy ending is supposed to be the order of the day there - of course, a tip is expected - about 40 to 50 dollars. So I checked in at a shop I found on the web on a relevant page and put it down. Right from the beginning I had the feeling that this is not only about massages. There are also several mirrors in the room, you usually don't need them for a massage. But dear readers, you hardly believe it. Not only was the massage really bad - there was zero eroticism, no innuendo, nothing. In addition, the masseuse talked the whole time. Maybe this would have been one of those situations where you would have had to become active yourself. But in the USA you have to be careful with that.

New day, new attempt. This time, I looked up some addresses around the airport. One of them said "new opening", why not. I was accommodated in a large massage room, the quite attractive masseuse only asked how strong the massage should be. I tried "soft" once. And wow, I got an extremely sensitive and gentle massage, it was really beautiful and actually quite erotic. But despite the tingling atmosphere, even here, the colleague from the intimate area was spared. That can not be it!

Table Shower, what is that?

For the last day I chose a location that advertises with a "table shower" on the one hand and also uses quite provocative pictures for that. Here, there must be a fine massage here! A slightly older Asian woman gave the massage. At first there was about 30 minutes massage, nothing unusual. A new experience was the following "table shower". You lie down on a bench in a shower room and are washed and doused with water. The intimate area is only covered with a small towel between the legs. A funny experience, but well, despite the good omens: zero sensuality. Nada. Niente.

Who already read other blogs of mine knows, I am not one of those who ask for "extras". I like the surprise, either it comes or it doesn't. Although I have read in reports that the ladies also become active on their own initiative, I have to conclude from my experiences that this is still not the case. Most of the time you can't avoid to ask carefully.

Although I have been to the USA several times, this was the first visit where I actively went to massage shops - as you can see now, with doubtful success. Maybe it is different if you visit a shop and lady several times. Anyway, I was more successful at other times with massage girls who advertise on relevant websites and you can book into the hotel. Some of them even had a portable massage couch with them, but at least oil, music and partly also candles. With these ladies I did not only enjoy a good massage, but also the erotic factor was present. And also there I never asked for extras, they just happened.

So conclusion - for me at least: These many Asian massage parlors may offer a good and cheap massage, but despite some provocative advertisements, it remains such a massage. But with an average of $50 per hour one cannot complain. For a little more sensuality one should bet on hotel visits and be prepared to put down $150 to $200 for one hour. But also there, I do not recommend to fall with the door into the house. As mentioned in the beginning, the guardians of morals are lurking everywhere. But massage services are definitely not as tricky as classic escort services. With these the danger of rip-offs is also greater.


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